I inherited the love of books from my father but the only
difference between my Dad and I; he reads 500+ words per minute. It’s insane!
When I read a book and finish it in two days I’m like; Wow I can read
superfast! And I end up feeling like a pro.
Until I did a reading speed test . . .
Basically you take an article from a
newspaper and time yourself until your done reading it. Then you count the
total amount of words. Let’s say you read 500 words in 2 minutes. Basically you
read 250 wpm. It only takes a little Math to ruin your ego. (Believe me.)
Top readers read 1000 wpm with a total of 80% comprehension
and normal readers read 300 wpm with an average of 60% comprehension. (I
googled it.) How this is possible I have no freaken idea. It does not make sense
how a speed reader understands more of what he reads than someone who reads
slower but that’s statistics for you folks.
Feeling not so super anymore a searched the Internet for
some tricks on how to improve your reading speed. Here is their advice:
1. Don’t read every word.
Scan your sentence to make your own
comprehension of what it reads.
Read every first and last sentence of the
Avoid sounding out your words.
Place a pointer to follow as your read.
Blah Blah Blah
It was useless.
I read a total of 320 wpm and you know I don’t even care. I had this exact conversation with my dad and I told him:
“Dad you know what? I think I enjoy my books more than normal people do, that’s way I don’t really care how fast I read. It’s about the story.”
And he agreed.
So my advice. . .
Don’t try and rush a story to an end. Yes, there are so many books and only 24 hours in a day but enjoy it and become a part of a magnificent world, even allow yourself to get lost. It’s why we read.
Stay Awesome Bookish Worms.