
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dreamscape:Saving Alex by Kirstin Pulioff

Dreamscape: Saving Alex by Kirstin Pulioff

Rating: 4 / 5
Published: 15th April 2015
Genre: YA Contemporary Fantasy
Pages: 348
Publisher: Createspace
Source:  I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to YAReads and Kirstin Pulioff

First off, I couldn’t wait to read this (Yeah, I was a bit busy. But it was eating at me.) I am glad I did make the time to read Dreamscape because I couldn’t be more blown away. I am a gamer myself, so being a gamer and a reader, this was just damn perfect.

The Writing Style. (5 / 5)

Dreamscape is written in first person which I felt suited the genre and topic perfectly. I could walk in Alex’s shoes and that to me is a perfect way of escaping into a world. The read was a bit slow in the beginning (But isn’t all books?) but once it kicked off, you were slung into this magnificent story. It was fast paced and well written. I absolutely LOOOVED it. (I don’t know if that’s the gamer talking or the reader, so excuse me while go I talk to myself for a moment.)

The World. (5 / 5)

Kirstin is one skilled author and her world building skills was beyond entertaining. When Alex got sucked into this amazing world she was a bit lost (Who wouldn’t be?) but after you travel a bit more things get real interesting. I would give up this world anytime to venture into Alex’s.

The Plot. (5 / 5)

Okay, so without spilling my guts (Way DO reviews have to be so hard? *Sobs*) you have to read it yourself; there’s no way around saying this. This read was too good for spoilers. The entire plot was unique and I didn’t just enjoy it, I devoured it. So here’s the blurb ↓

Sixteen-year-old Alexis Stone is used to getting away from life’s frustration with Dreamscape, a video game she's loved since childhood. As her family prepares to move, a sleepy night of gaming pulls her into the world like never before. Trapped in Dreamscape’s realm, Alex is about to learn that being a hero has consequences… and this time, the stakes are deadly. Will helping the rebellion cost her everything she knows and loves? Or will she betray them to save her own life?

The Characters. (4 / 5)

When we first start to get to know Alex, she’s a regular teenager with anger issues. They are moving and like every child, she feels like her parents aren’t thinking about her needs. When she gets sucks into the game, she is also dumped into a one heck of a responsibility. Alex was the most normal teenager ever; it wouldn’t be so real, if she weren’t. As her story progress so did she and she became a strong well developed character.    

The Smaller Things.

Overall, Dreamscape: Saving Alex was a nice, fresh fantasy read. What I didn’t expect was the ending. (Whyyyy!)

I Recommend this to all you gamers out there (Pick up a book for once. You’ll love this one hands on.)

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