
Friday, August 21, 2015

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Cinder by Marissa Meyer

Rating : 4 / 5
Released Date : 3rd January 2012
Pages : 390
Genre : Fantasy, YA
Publisher : Feiwel & Friends
Source : I own a Copy

"I'm sure I'll feel much more grateful when I find a guy who thinks complex wiring in a girl is a turn-on."

I wasn't very optimistic about starting to read Cinder, especially a retelling of Cinderella crossed with robots/androids. That's kind of not my thing, robots anyway. 

The Writing Style. (5 / 5)

It's written in 3rd person. I don't like reading 3rd Person POVs but this is a rare jewel amongst them that surprised me. Furthermore, there was absolutely nothing wrong with it except that the Chapters weren't marked according to its characters POV. I didn't find this confusing like I always do because of it being in 3rd person.  It was excellently written.

The World. (5 / 5)

"...the buildings had become labyrinths of corridors and stairwells."

The world was Amazing! It was something entirely different and not what you expected it to be.

The world is based after World War IV and is very futuristic. There's Cyborgs, android slaves (if you like to call then that.) Humans and of course Lunars (Evil moon people.)

The technology is advanced.  Every being has an ID chip embedded in their wrist, there's Hoovers, port screens, etc.

It was incredible.

The Plot. (5 / 5)

With a deadly disease plaguing the earth,  there is but one girl who can save them all. A mechanic, a throwaway and an unwanted Cyborg. She learns the truth and all of humanity's faith is placed in her hands. Will she accept who she truly are or will the earth perish under the Lunar Queen's wrath.

The Characters. (5 / 5)

Linh Cinder.

Cinder works as an mechanic at her own small booth in Beijing.  Because she's a cyborg, everyone tries to avoid her as far as they're possible to, until the Prince, Kaito, show up at her doorstep to fix a lifeless android. (Totally dressed in disguise. ) Cinder's friend or android, Iko, is so funny. I loved her.

"Prince Kai! Check my fan, I think I'm overheating. " (Good one !)

What is a Cinderella story telling without the wicked stepmother and her two Ugly daughters? Except in this story's case Cinder actually loves her younger stepsister, Pheony.

Pheony contracted the disease called Blue fever. (No one knows it's origin and neither do they have a cure for it.) It mostly goes downhill for poor Cinder and I felt bad for her but she's one tough cookie.

Her Stepmother gives her up for the Draft (it's a system that picks cyborg for the royal cure research but there's more to this than you might think but I'm not sharing it's secret, it's between me and my book.) Since then Cinder learned who she is and it was amazing to read her story.

I don't want to tell you everything, you should read it instead.


"Imagine there was a cure, but finding it would cost you everything. It would completely ruin your life. What would you do?"

Kai is the Prince that every girl drools about. He fancies Cinder but it was never meant to be. After his Father's death, Kai was crowned as Emperor.

He would do anything in his power to safe his people. The evil Moon Queen just has that solution and he's forced to make a decision that neither of them could walk away from. (Mirror, Mirror. Who's the fairest of them all? Not you *****. Haha sorry just had to.)

Kai was not happy at all, learning Cinder's secrets but if he could not accept her for who and what she is, he's not worth her time.

The Smaller Things.

The Lunar Chronicles are based upon different fairytale retellings in a futuristic way. I would love to have read what happened to Cinder afterwards but unfortunately it just stops,  which is sad but you can always speculate.

If there's one thing you should keep in mind is that not all stories has a happy ending.

I recommend this book to everyone who likes fairy tale retellings,  Cinderella,  advance technology.

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Marissa Meyer